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Care Monitor DRAFT

How to manage Student Care Monitor/Student Alerts. Read time (5 minutes). This article is intended for Admin.


This feature is currently in pilot, and the final version may differ slightly from what is described below. 


Care Monitor is an enhanced update of the student alerts system that schools are already familiar with in VSware. It provides a more structured way to track and manage student well-being, allowing staff to create, view, and monitor care alerts efficiently. The dashboard and Insights features offer a clear view of active concerns, and the mobile app enables push notifications for urgent alerts. This update is available on both the web and mobile app and ensures better communication and support, helping schools create a safer and more responsive learning environment.

Access and Permissions

  • Principals and Secretaries: Can create, edit and view alerts for all students by default.
  • Teachers: Can only see alerts for students they teach unless they're given extra permissions.

In Settings > Users & Groups there are 3 permissions linked to the Student Care feature:

1. Allow teacher to manage and create their own student care monitor alerts

This permission was formerly known as “Allow teacher to manage and create their own
student alerts”. So anyone who had this permission previously will have the care
monitor version. This will only give staff access to create neutral alerts for the
students they teach unless they have access to all learner profiles they can create
neutral alerts for all students.

2. Allow teacher access to escalate student care monitor alerts

(This permission also
requires the base permission ‘Allow teacher to manage and create their own student
care monitor alerts’ to work) - this means that staff can use the high, medium and low
priorities when creating alerts.

3. Allow teacher full access to student care monitor alerts

This gives staff the same access as a principal and secretary to student alerts so they can create alerts with
any priority for any student regardless of who they teach.

Viewing the Care Monitor Alerts 

The Care Monitor dashboard widget

There is a new widget on the dashboard called Care Monitor. This displays active care
monitor alerts. This widget is visible to every staff user, but the content they see in the widget
will depend on which students they teach and what permissions they have. (Secretary and
Principal users will see all alerts)
Screenshot 2025-02-06 at 16.24.46
The widget can contain different priority alerts, Neutral, Low, Medium and High. The priority
of the alert is set when creating the alert:

Any Student alerts you have created in the past will appear as Neutral alerts.

NB - all staff will see the high priority alerts regardless of who they are linked to and
regardless of their permissions.

You can also use the date filters, or filter by alerts from just today by selecting the 'Filter New' toggle. 


Where else are active alerts visible?

For students with active alerts, you can see the alert icons on:

  • Their Student Insights page
  • Beside their photograph in their VSware profile 
  • Beside their name on the mark attendance screen 

Please note, in order to ensure sensitive information remains private, alert content isn't displayed when you hover over them, you must click to view details.

Creating an Alert

Go to "School" and select Care Monitor.

View a list of all past and present alerts (active & inactive).

Click "Add New Alert" and fill in:

    • Title 
    • Level (High, Medium, Low, Neutral)
    • Recipient (individual student or group)
    • Start & End Date (within the academic year)
    • Description

Finally, click "Create Alert"

If you are creating an alert for more than one individual, you have two options:
  • Create Separate Alerts: Apply this alert separately to each selected student. These alerts will not be linked, and any changes must be made individually.
  • Create Shared Alert: Create a single, shared alert that includes all selected students. Changes to alert will apply to all students.

Notifications for Student Alerts 

High alerts - an automatic push notification will be sent to all staff mobile devices that have downloaded the VSware app and are logged into it (regardless of whether they are associated with the student or not, there is no way to prevent the notification from sending for a high alert.)

Medium and Low alerts - schools can decided whether a push notification is to be sent for Medium or Low alerts. These are turned off by default, so you must turn them on if they're needed. If they are turned on, the push notification will only go out to teachers of that student, or staff who have access to all learner profiles

To set your preference, go to Settings and System settings and select the relevant check boxes:

Screenshot 2025-02-06 at 16.12.13

Neutral alerts - no notification will be sent when a neutral alert is created.