Setting up Substitution

Creating your on call roster (read time less than 1 minute)

We’ve recently updated our top menu navigation (July/August 2024). We’re currently updating our user guides to reflect these changes, so thank you for your patience while we work on this. The new menu is user-friendly, so you shouldn’t experience significant disruption. If you need help locating specific items in the new menu however, watch our quick videos for admin users here, and for teachers here.

Users have given VS very positive feedback in relation to our substitution feature. To access this section, please click on the three lines tab, and the substitution tab. We recommend setting up the On call roster before using the substitution as it will help the user with assigning classes to teachers. To set up the on call roster,

1: Go to a teacher account.

2: click timetable.

3: click actions.

4: Make editable.

Lunchtime duty can be added to teacher timetables using the steps above, and select on duty.