How to edit a teacher's timetable in the live system. This article is intended for Admin. (Read time: 2 minutes)
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Last updated: 06/07/2022
'Make Editable' is a feature of VSware whereby you can make edits to the timetable in the live system during the school year, after you have published your file. It makes it easy for schools to manage small changes that naturally occur throughout the year without having to go to the trouble of re-doing and re-publishing their timetable file.
Caution: Changes made to the live system will not be reflected back into the timetable file. Re-publishing the original file after you have made changes in the live system will result in the live changes being overwritten.
Step 1
Search for the teacher whose timetable you want to edit > Click Timetable > Actions > Make Editable.

The timetable view will switch to editable mode.

Click on a blank period and you will see the various edit options as in the screenshot below.

The range of edit options will depend on the content of the lesson period that you click on. In the screenshot below, we have clicked on a period where a normal lesson has been scheduled. As you can see, the range of options offered here is to allow for a Room Change, to delete the lesson from the teacher's timetable or to replace that teacher with another teacher (swap).

If you choose the 'Swap Teacher' option, you will be given a list of the teachers who are free while this lesson takes place. This will not prevent you from giving a teacher additional hours so please note this before you assign the lesson to another teacher.
Clicking on any of the periods where 'On Call' had been added will offer you the options shown in the screenshot below.
It is possible to 'Swap to' or 'Swap from' a teacher's timetable. Clicking on a blank period will offer 'Swap Teacher' and this allow you to take a lesson running at this time and assigning it to the teacher of the timetable that you are now editing.

This would allow you to switch the On Call to another teacher or simply remove it from the selected teacher's timetable.
When adding Learning Support or Adding an Additional Teacher, you will be asked to associate the lesson with a lesson running at this time. This is very useful as it will allow you to create a link between the two lesson which will help when using Class List Manager to populate the new lessons.
In the screenshot below, the Teaching Group dropdown list box will allow you to see the lessons running at this time. You can then select a room (unless you are adding an additional teacher) and you can make up your own teaching group name for the new group. We suggest that you stick with the nomenclature used throughout your timetable to allow you to identify the year, subject and perhaps the name of the teaching groups where students attending the Learning Support are being withdrawn from. (e.g. 2LS-2CSPE-A)

Adding On Call or Duty (break supervision) is very easy to add to a teacher's timetable.

Following a click on any blank period of a teacher's timetable, the Add On Call/Duty will display.

Select On Call or Duty. The advantage of adding Duty is that in addition to appearing on a teacher's timetable, it also displays on the 'My Class' widget on a teacher's Dashboard reminding them of this on the day of their supervision.
Don't forget to click 'Save' when complete.
If you still have questions, please visit our knowledge base at You can contact our support team via email at, via the chat bubble when you are logged into your VSware account or via phone on 01-5549628. Support hours are Mon - Fri, 08:30 - 18:00.