Parent App

Parent App - Dashboard

Navigating the Dashboard and accessing your child's profile

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Parent Dashboard

The dashboard is your one-stop-shop to view live notifications related to your child’s attendance, behaviour, exam results and more. From the Dashboard you can access:

  1. Notifications
    When a notification appears in the main part of the screen, simply click into it to read more. It could be a message for you to read, or there could be an action for you to take, for example, make a payment or submit student options etc. 
  2. Your Children

    The Child Profile section is the central hub for all the information relation to your child. To explore information about your child, click their name either from the dashboard.

    If you have multiple children at the school but some are missing from this list, contact the school who will be able to fix this for you. You should only ever have one parent account and all your children should be on it.

  3. Your Children dropdownThe dropdown menu for your children will remain at the top of the page, regardless of which page you're on so you can easily switch between their profiles.
  4. Your contact details
    If these need to be updated, contact the school who can do this for you

Note: Contact details now shows your email address. If the school doesn't have an email address on record for you, it will say 'Email not set'. 

  1. 'More' button
    Select this dropdown for quick access to Mail (where you can send and receive messages), Fees, the Privacy Policy and to the Log Out button. 


On mobile

On a phone, the Dashboard and Child Profile will appear slightly differently, but the same menu items apply. 
