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Parent App - Permission Slips

How to Accept or Decline Permission Slips through your VSware account

Last updated 26/04/2024

Please note that some schools do not use Permission Slips. If Permission Slips is not available when you log into your account, it may be because your school has not enabled it for parents. Please contact the school to find out more.

What are permission Slips?

Permission slips are electronic forms used by schools to obtain parental consent for various activities like field trips, events, photo permissions, and other necessary purposes. Parents receive the permission slips via a push notifications, allowing you to promptly approve or decline the forms directly from your app (or when you're logged into your VSware account on an internet browser).

This guide outlines the steps for parents to accept or decline permission slips.


Allowing notifications 

Prior to starting, ensure that your VSware App is updated to the latest version. Here are some simple steps on how to do this:



Next, make sure that you have all notifications for VSware turned on. Do this by accessing your phone settings, app notifications and select the VSware app. Below is an example of what this screen looks like on an Android and an Apple phone. 


How to accept/decline permission slips on the VSware mobile app

Log into your VSware account on your device. Upon logging in, you will be directed to the Parent Dashboard. Select your student's name and navigate to the permission slips section.

Here, you will find all permission slips sent by the school. Simply select the permission slip and choose to either approve or decline and then click on the submit button.

You have the flexibility to modify your response within the deadline by accessing the permission slip, selecting 'change response', and following the same steps as previously outlined.