Book and Supply Hub

Parent App - Book & Supply Hub

Managing student Books and Supplies. This article is intended for Parents/Guardians. (Read time: 2 minutes).

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The VSware Book and Supply Hub is your go-to resource for managing your student's books and school supplies. It allows you to view which books and supplies have been given to the student by the school. Some schools may also use an additional feature that allows you to confirm whether the student has that book or item in their possession. Please note that this is not an online store for buying and selling books, it is simply a way to track which students have which books/items.

Navigating to the Book and Supply Hub 

From the browser/computer

  • Select the student's name from the parent dashboard or from the 'Your Children' dropdown
  • Click 'learn more' under Book and Supply Hub.

In the Book and Supply Hub overview screen, you will see a list of any books or items that have been added to the student's booklist, including details like the book title and subject. 

Depending on the school's setup, you may also see an expected return date, the assignment status (indicating whether the book is on the student's list or has been physically given to them by the school). Additionally, there might be a parental acknowledgment column, which allows you to verify if the student indeed has the book or item in their possession. This feature is only available if the school chooses to enable it.

From the mobile app

  • Go to the student's profile 
  • Select Books to view the overview screen



Confirming if a book or item has been received 

From the browser/computer

  • Go to the Book & Supply Overview screen and find the book that the school has handed over.
  • Click 'Mark as Received' 

  • Select 'Confirm' and 'Submit'
  • The screen will update to 'Receipt Confirmed'

From the mobile app

  • You will receive a push notification from the school when a new book/item has been handed over to the student.
  • Tap on the notification
  • Under 'Has the item been received?' select confirm and submit.