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- Recording Teacher Absence
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Recording a teacher absence
How to record a teacher as being absent. This guide is intended for Admin. (Read time: 1 minute)
We’ve recently updated our top menu navigation (July/August 2024). We’re currently updating our user guides to reflect these changes, so thank you for your patience while we work on this. The new menu is user-friendly, so you shouldn’t experience significant disruption. If you need help locating specific items in the new menu however, watch our quick videos for admin users here, and for teachers here.
Last updated: 30/03/2023
Once the school has set up the on call periods on each timetable, users can view the on call roster in the substitution tab by clicking on the on call roster. Users can also update the duty roster using the same steps as below.
Schools can record an absent teacher by clicking:
- Substitution > Actions > Record absence

Note: When setting a reason for absence for a teacher within substitution, schools can now select the new 'Emergency 35 hours' option for teachers are absent due to Covid-19 related illness.
- The absent teacher will show up with a list of the teaching groups that need covering. Click on the teaching group to insert the covering teacher. This will show the list of teachers who are on call for that period of the day
Tip: Icon on S&S screen displays when an additional and a substitute teacher assigned to a class
In 3 lines > Substitution, there is a list of absent teachers for any given date and the teaching groups they usually have on that day. Previously, there was an information icon 'i' visible on any teaching group that showed if there was an additional teacher assigned that teaching group. We have updated this icon so that it now shows whether there is an additional teacher OR a substitute teacher assigned to that teaching group.