On Call Admin Module

Teacher On Call Management For Teachers

Managing Teachers On Call hours using the Teacher On Call Management module. This article is intended for Teachers. (Read time: 1 minutes)

Last Updated: 27/07/2024


The On Call Management module is designed to make managing your on-call hours easier. Instead of dealing with back-and-forth emails with the school office, this tool streamlines the process. You can enter your on-call preferences online through your VSware account and the administration staff can create a roster based on your preferences. Your timetable will then be updated, and you'll receive push notifications at each step to keep you informed.

Accessing On Call Preferences

To enter your on call preferences:

  1. Log in to your VSware account.
  2. Go to your Profile.
  3. Select On Call Preferences on the left.

Entering Your Preferences

Once you are on the On Call Preferences screen, you will see:

  • The name of the roster.
  • The date by which you need to submit your preferences.

Drag and Drop Preferences

  1. Drag and drop your preferences onto the timetable below. Periods in which you are not available will be greyed out.
  2. There is no need to save; when the preferences are dragged onto the timetable, your job is done.

Receiving Notifications

You will receive push notifications at each step of the process:

  • When on call preferences are open, you will be notified to log in and submit your preferences.
  • If a reminder is sent by the administration, you will receive a notification to submit your preferences if you haven’t done so already.
  • Once the on call hours have been added to your timetable, you will receive a notification confirming the update.

Making Changes

If you need to make changes to your preferences before the submission deadline:

  1. Log back into your VSware account.
  2. Go to your Profile.
  3. Select On Call Preferences.
  4. Adjust your preferences on the timetable as needed.

Finalising the Schedule

Once all teachers have submitted their preferences, the administration will finalise the schedule. You will be notified once the schedule is published and your on call hours have been added to your timetable.


If you still have questions, please visit our knowledge base at support.vsware.ie. You can contact our support team via email at support@vsware.ie, via the chat bubble when you are logged into your VSware account or via phone on 01-5549628. Support hours are Mon - Fri, 08:30 - 18:00.