How to sync VSware with P-POD (read time 1 minute)

Within VS go to Settings and click the P-POD tab on the left.

Start by clicking on the 'Synchronise Button'

The very first time you press the 'Synchronise Button' the screen below will appear. You will need to enter your password and username which are set and provided within Easinet.

Once you have entered your username and password once, you won’t have to enter them again as VS automatically saves them and the option to enter these details will disappear completely from the page. Then all you will need to do from then on is press the 'Synchronise Button'.

Please see the Departments contact details below for any P-POD specific questions:

Tel.no (090) 648 3990 / 4022 / 3906

E-mail p-podhelpdesk@education.gov.ie