Attendance Reports

NEWB (aka Tusla) Report (Irish schools only) (read time 1 minute)

TUSLA Report

In VS, there are many attendance reports the school can run to see information relating to the punctuality of the students in the school. To access the attendance reports, users should go to the Attendance tab and users will find a full list of reports on the left side.

Above is a TUSLA report section which enables the school to enter a number of absent days and set the relevant date ranges for the attendance information to display. Every student listed over the number of absent days set will display ( as above ) along with the TUSLA code. To view the school TUSLA codes, please click,

1: Settings.

2: Attendance

(Click on the pencil beside the attendance code to see the TUSLA Code).

If the user would like to print of the reports on display, click on export to PDF and printing is available after the new tab opens.

New feature: It is now possible to generate a CSV report using the 'Export to CSV' button.