Commonly Used Variables
Full Name = ${FullName}
D.O.B. = ${DOB}
Address = ${Address}
Subject = ${Result.Subject}
Subject Study level = ${Result.StudyLevel}
Grade = ${Result.Grade}
**Teacher exam comment (Freeform Only) ${Result.TeacherRemark}
**Teacher exam comment (Comment bank Only) ${Result.TeacherCommentBank}
**Teacher exam comment (Freeform or Comment bank) ${Result.TeacherComment}
Teacher name = ${Result.TeacherName}
Extra Fields = ${Result.ExtraField1} to ${Result.ExtraField12}
Exam Mark = ${Result.Mark}
Late = ${LateCount}
Absences = ${AbsentCount}
**Please follow link to know which teacher comment variable to use.
All Variables
Full Name = ${FullName}
First Name = ${FirstName}
Surname = ${Surname}
Class = ${Class}
D.O.B. = ${DOB}
Nationality = ${Nationality}
Eircode - ${Eircode}
Irish Exemption = ${IrishExemption}
Previous School Name = ${PreviousSchoolName}
VSware ID = ${VSwareId}
Home Phone = ${HomePhone}
Other Phone = ${OtherPhone}
Mobile = ${MobilePhone}
Preferred Given Name = ${PreferredGivenName}
Previous School = ${Previous School}
Department ID = ${DepartmentId}
PPS = ${PPS}
Students Email= ${StudentEmail}
Students password ${StudentPassword}
Gender = ${Gender}
Email (of student) = ${Email}
Address =${Address}
Address no county = ${AddressNoCounty}
Address Line 1 = ${AddressLine1}
Address Line 2 = ${AddressLine2}
Address line 3 = ${AddressLine3}
Address Line 4 = ${AddressLine4}
County = ${County}
Post code= ${PostCode}
Postal Title = ${PostalTitle}
Parent Email = ${ParentEmail}
Exam Number = ${ExamNumber}
Date = ${Dateddmmyyyy}
Exam Specific Variables
Subject ${Result.Subject}
Grade: ${Result.Grade}
Subject Study level= ${Result.StudyLevel}
**Teacher exam comment (Freeform Only) ${Result.TeacherRemark}
**Teacher exam comment (Comment bank Only) ${Result.TeacherCommentBank}
**Teacher exam comment (Freeform or Comment bank) ${Result.TeacherComment}
Teacher name = ${Result.TeacherName}
CAO Points = ${Exam.NewCAOPoints}
Custom Exam Field 1 = ${Result.ExtraField1}
Custom Exam Field 2 = ${Result.ExtraField2}
Custom Exam Field 3 = ${Result.ExtraField3}
Custom Exam Field 4 = ${Result.ExtraField4}
Profile Pic = ${ProfilePhoto}
Tutor = ${Tutor}
Form tutor Comment = ${Exam.FormTutorComment}
Principal = ${Principal}
Principal Comment = ${Exam.PrincipalComment}
Year Head = ${YearHead}
Year Head Comment = ${Exam.YearHeadComment}
Year = ${Year}
Late = ${LateCount}
Absences = ${AbsentCount}
Exam Name = ${ExamName}
Target Grade/Mark = ${Result.TargetMark}
**Please follow link to know which teacher comment variable to use.
Parental Variables
Mother’s name = ${Mother} or ${MothersName}
Mothers Email = ${MothersEmail}
Mothers first name = ${Motherfirstname}
Mothers Mobile number = ${MothersMobile}
Mothers Occupation = ${MothersOccupation}
Mothers Surname = ${MotherSurname}
Mothers Username = ${MothersUsername}
Father’s full name = ${Father} or ${FathersName}
Father mobile = ${FathersMobile}
Fathers email = ${FathersEmail}
Fathers First Name = ${Fatherfirstname}
Fathers Mobile = ${FathersMobile}
Fathers Occupation = ${FathersOccupation}
Fathers Surname = ${FatherSurname}
Fathers Username = ${FathersUsername}
Age of student = ${Age}
Boarder indictor = ${Boarder}
Class average exam results = ${Result.ClassAverage}
County Id = ${CountyId}
Course ID = ${Result.CourseId}
Date of entry of student to school = ${DateofEntry}
Date of Leaving = ${ExitDate}
Detentions = ${Detentions}
Exam Number of student = ${ExamNumber}
Feeder School address = ${FeederSchoolAddress}
Feeder School Email = ${FeederSchoolEmail}
Feeder School Phone Number = ${FeederSchoolPhoneNumber}
Feeder School Roll Number = ${FeederSchoolRollNumber}
For stating his/her depending on gender = ${HisHer}
Home Phone number = ${HomePhone}
Housemaster comment = ${Exam.HousemasterComment}
Housemaster Name = ${Housemaster}
ID of student = ${Id}
If the student has left school or not = ${LeftSchool}
If the student is a he/she = ${HeShe} or ${HeSheUpper} for upper case.
If the student is a him/her = ${HimHer}
Learner personal ID of student = ${LearnerPersonalId}
Locker Number of student = ${LockerNumber}
Medical Card of Student = ${MedicalCard}
Mobile Phone = ${MobilePhone}
Number of people listed in Household = ${HouseholdCount}
Number of Suspensions = ${Suspensions}
Other Phone = ${OtherPhone}
Profile Photo of student = ${ProfilePhoto}
Student’s family name = ${FamilyName}
Student’s first name = ${GivenName}
Student Username (first part of office 365 account) = ${StudentUsername}
Teacher display code = ${Result.TeacherDisplayCode}
Teaching Group ID = ${Result.TeachingGroupId}
Teaching Group Name = ${Result.TeachingGroupName}
User Info ID = ${UserInfoId}